Val's Satin Black with Daly Red with titanium over cone 10

This is a porcelain tumble with Val's black then Daly with Titanium over and then Val's again.

Val’s Satin Black  cone 10
20.00 g. -Soda Feldspar
20.00 g. –Cornwall Stone
  2.00 g.- Whiting
20.0 g. – Silica
10.00 g –Ball Clay
13.00 g –Talc
15.00g -  Dolomite

3.00 Red Iron Oxide
2.00 Manganese Dioxide
3.00 Cobalt Oxide
1.00 Chrome Oxide

Daly Red with Titanium cone 10
1.0 %Bone Ash
3.0 Talc
15.0 Whiting
2.0 Zinc Oxide
17.0 Ferro Frit 3110
35.0 Nepheline Syenite
27.0 Silica 
100.0 %
Add: Tin Oxide 
1.5 %
Titanium Dioxide
3.0 %
Copper Carbonate 1.5 %


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