
Showing posts with the label Penland Boycott

Penland School Admits Mistakes- Agrees to REPAY Artists!

What Happened and What We Are Doing About It Action and a statement about the controversy over Penland’s past payroll system

Penland Boycott – UPDATE


PLEASE READ THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! Labor Issues, Artists Work and Held Wages…

An Open Letter to Penland’s Board of Directors- Chris Winterstein former Iron and Wood Coordinator.

Penland Faces Problems Over Past Overtime Wages Violation & With Recent Public Relations Letter Addressing Same Topic

A lawyer explains the allegations about Penland's labor practices

I love Penland

Pay Back the Artists Penland School

exact text of the only message Penland School has sent to the local community about this matter

How Did Penland Go So Wrong?

From a former coordinator

In response to Penland's statement ("Response to recent allegations about Penland's labor practices")

Open Letter From From a Past Clay Coordinator on Penland's Abusive Labor Policies

Open Letter to Penland - Repay the Artists

Open Letter to Penland From June Perry

Penland is a Disappointment

This is an open letter to the Penland Director, Board Members, Donors, and Community

Penland Community Silence