2nd Test Firing

Joy Tanner and I did a second test firing of the Experimental Soda Kiln and it went well. We tried to go faster this time. Last time it took from 8:00a.m. to 7:15 p.m. (We were just trying to dry out and fire the castable.) So this time we started it at 8:30 a.m. and finished at about 6:00 p.m.

I think we could have gone faster
but I found a hurt Goldfinch and had to take him to the Blue Ridge Wildlife Insitute, to get patched up.
That took about 2 hours and I did not get proper turn ups on the kiln. Nevertheless, it showed that we could go faster and we did notice that once the one and a half inch of castable gets hot you can turn it up and it will rocket.
Next firing we will try to find good settings to keep it climbing without wasting fuel.
We also, increased the soda to 1 pound sprayed in and we will see if that helps.

We will see the results and post them tomorrow.

John Britt


  1. I'm so happy you saved the goldfinch.

  2. I hope he did ok? I was sure that a cat would swoop him up and eat him. I think she will be able to fix him.

    It is nice you have folks who love animals so much.

    I wonder if they have a website? I know that she is associated with Lees McRae College now,



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