Used wheel for sale?..... Anyone?

By any chance, do any of you clay clubbers got a variable speed wheel sitting around that you don't use and would like to sell to my furutre studiomate? Anyone..Anyone?
Also.... I'd like to remind everyone about my previous post that I have kiln brick for sale........ anyone?......anyone?


  1. Yo,

    I am always open for donations to the Glaze Institute,

    John Britt

  2. I am really interested in the kiln brick. Susan Filley has offered to sell me her old kiln, but has not gotten back to me on a price. I am going to email her today and tell her about your brick. I want to get moving on building my kiln with the grant money I got. I could come up and get it and pick up my bag of dirt from MK!

  3. tsbroome- just let me know!


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