Critical Thinking

There I am, alone in my studio, staring at these weird altered and cut rim bowl things that I'm not sure what you'd use them for, and it seems like they'd be better hand built than thrown, trying to decide, what was I thinking? Are they interesting? Are they crap? I work alone. I have no one else to give me an opinion. I dearly miss the camaraderie of studio mates. Those folks who you can joke with while you work, or ask for advice (by the way, I'm STILL looking for a studio mate.)
Here's my thought: March Clay Club we have critical discussions groups. We can break up into small, manageable size groups, perhaps lead by someone (an experienced and thoughtful potter/artist), and have critiques on a piece(s) we bring along. Is this a totally lame idea, or can I get a "hell yeah!"


  1. 1 x "hell yeah".

    How's that for critical? Will we get a critical mass for the critical thinking? What about a brain trust? A think tank?

    When is the meeting?

  2. i am up for it! when and where is it?

  3. Geez, I'd go for a critique or two around here. Our class sits around making stuff and talking about home life, politics, the economy, all good stuff, but never about the pots - at least not in a formal sense.

  4. sounds good, if i can make it. whe and where? still at penland with the mug thing? hmmm. can we do all that?

  5. I was thinking crits would be a good topic for the March Clay Club. I'm happy to offer up my studio for it. Perhaps i'll go ahead and seek out folks to be group leaders for the crits.

  6. your so smart!! i love that idea. i need support! i'm the only clay person down at my studio, and your right theres no one to talk to, to get feedback.
    whens the meeting????

  7. I'm all for it. I've worked alone in the studio for the last 9 years, and there are days when I really need someone's opinion on my work. While working alone has its advantages, there is no substitute for another artist to bounce ideas off of. I've even found myself missing my brutal Art School critiques.


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