Gluckin here. getting ready for Piedmont in Winston-Salem, November 18-20.

Oh so many questions/needs?

#1 anyone local (Bakersville, Spruce Pine, Burnsville) open to me borrowing their track lighting? YES, I know I just need to get to Loew's but I am looking to save $$ on my first "what I call" an expensive show and juggling all the tasks to be taken care of on my prep list.

#2 anyone doing Piedmont who would like to work swap? I help you set up, you help me set up? (YEP again, first time hanging track lighting and laying carpet) Concerned about executing it all "solo".

#3 IF there are no takers for #1 or #2, can anyone offer suggestions on the best track lighting to purchase and where?

or just tell me how easy everything will be? encourage me.

learning curve
many thanks from Gluckin


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