Full/Part Time Status: Full Time
Position Description:
The School of Art and Art History invites applications/nominations for a tenure-track faculty position in Ceramics at the Assistant Professor level beginning with the 2016-17 academic year. The successful candidate will teach undergraduates and graduates in B.A., B.F.A., M.A. and M.F.A. programs. Salary will be commensurate with experience. The faculty of the School of Art and Art History will mentor this individual. The successful candidate will join the newly formed Public Digital Arts Faculty Cluster Initiative and will work closely with existing U of I faculty and staff who form the core of this ambitious program to foster creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration through public digital arts. Participation in the cluster is an important component of faculty performance evaluation.
Education Requirement:
MFA or equivalent in Ceramics.
Required Qualifications:
Record of successful teaching, significant creative practice in Ceramics, extensive knowledge of all aspects of ceramic art, clay and glaze materials, manufacture and decoration techniques, wood firing techniques and kiln building. Substantive knowledge in digital forming and material effects with clay
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