Women Working With Clay- Hollins University


JUNE 8-11, 2015
This symposium is about women who work with clay to create pottery, art vessels, and sculpture. We emphasize the creative process from every level. At the same time, we look at the particular aspects and points of view that may be unique to women working in clay.

Presenters: Christa Assad, Linda Christenson, Christa Cordova, and Shoko Teruyama
Keynote Speaker: Leila Philip
Director: Donna Polseno


From Inspiration and Ideas to the Actual Making and Finishing
Explore the connections of the long history of women as vessel makers, artists, and artisans in cultures all over the world.
Examine how the sense of community and mentorship in the world of clay object makers reflects that history.
Work closely with faculty who have extensive experience and training.


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