Turkey Strut


  1. That brings back lovely memories of the wild turkey flocks we had at our Oregon ranch. We first had a group of about 29 that we fed every day with cracked corn, and one cold, wet day, another group came across our lower meadow to join the old group. I guess word got out about free eats. It was an amazing contrast of conditioning with our old flock looking fat, with glistening, healthy, coats and the new group looking very sad and bedraggled. We wound up with the two groups sort of merging into one of about 49 birds. Their babies would roost in our cedar trees every night which we termed the turkey nursery. I do miss them.Thanks for the memories.
    We don't have any wild turkeys on our property, but we have seen some in a couple of places on Cane Creek road on our way into town.


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