
Showing posts from February, 2011

Clay Club Carpool

Part Time Help Wanted at Woodfired Pottery

Turner at Turner's

24th Annual North Carolina Potters Conference

Potters of Madson County

Multi-sectional Vase Forms- John Britt- 2011

Glaze Workshop in Floyd, Virginia March 5, 2011

Clay Club Part Deux March 10, 2011 1:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Clay Club March 2, 2011 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

60th Anniversary of Archie Bray

Applachian Gallery Show

Cone 6 Reduction

Turkey Strut

Pine Root Pottery 2011 Wood Fire Workshop!

Cynthia Bringle Feb. 14 firing

Alex Matisse showing how to add a coil when throwing BIG pots.

GREAT Clay Club!

For sale - recrystallized silicon carbide shelves

Kiln and Shelves - For sale

Trimming on the hump / or foam- John Britt- 2011

Here is a very short video on how to make a very special bowl.

Clay Club at East Fork Pottery Feb. 16th

A Lead Question

Pottery Instructors Wanted

Pho Bowl - John Britt - 2011

V-shaped Bowl - John Britt - 2011

Mystery cup/artist

Jingdezhen Artists to Visit Penland March 10

Press molding skulls - John Britt- 2011

Czeck Republic Church


Pete's Red Orange Glaze Recipe

North Carolina Pottery Center - Tea Pot Show 2011

Penland Community Open House -- Saturday, March 5

Walker Pug Mill For Sale 2/5/2011

Fish Sauce Slip

English Slipware Workshop

Bottle with threaded lid - John Britt - 2011

Etymology or Fish Sauce

Dallas ---ice

Pour over coffee funnel -John Britt- 2011

Wait- 358 and counting!!!


FLOW open house

Clay Club Feb 16, 2011

Throwing a tumbler - John Britt- 2011