Barium copper blues

Here are some tests I ran for the upcoming workshop June 5-7, 2015 in Greenwood SC which we can talk about. I found them interesting.

On the left is Otto Heine Barium Blue page 120 in  my Mid-Range book, the second tile is Otto Heino with a straight substitution of strontium carbonate for barium carbonate, tile 3 from the left is Pinnell strontium matte page 123 (it is basically the same recipe but with 1.0% lithium carbonate vs the 2.7 % in the Otto Heino glaze) and the tile on the right is Pinnell strontium matte with and additional 5.0% titanium dioxide. All have 3.5% copper carbonate.

All fired to cone 6 electric in cycle E1.


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