Stunning Silence in Penland Community

I know that Penland sent out a memo to its mailing list saying that no victims stepped up, and John Britt is a freak!  (Think we knew that already.)  But I have sent them names and these people wrote letters yet  they still claim I am lying.

They want coordinators to step up publicly (in spite of the history of black listing).

What I find most depressing is the stunning silence by the so called Penland Community. They all write me notes behind the scene but won't speak out publicly. They all know what happens and they all know the way Penland treats employees. Many of them have worked there.  Many are still working there.

I know that some of this attitude revolves around the apprentice system of crafts in this country. Craftspeople are trained to work for someone for free or subsistence wages, in exchange for knowledge and the time necessary to develop their craft. Unfortunately that system doesn't extent to companies who hire employees.

In this community everyone is quick to stand up to support gay rights, or women's rights but worker exploitation is  just accepted as part of the training.

If people cannot see that Penland did not honor its promise to pay the workers for two years and is hiding behind legal language then I cannot convince them. But the people who can see that and know what it is like to work at Penland need to speak up.

People tell me you shouldn't try to change this - it is bad for your health. But unless someone had fought for you to get equity and equality you would not be enjoying it now. And if no one stands up today then the children of tomorrow will suffer.

I cannot do this alone so if there is anyone out there with moral compass still intact, please stand up and tell Penland publicly that they should do the right thing.

If you want change, Wade on in the Water!


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