1000 Bowl Challenge

Just finished up with the 2 day bowl -a- thon.  It was great. We made about 850 bowls. Not just sure because they are everywhere!  But I will get a better count later.

We almost made our goal but because of my mis-management we were a bit short. We had some trouble with pots getting too dry to trim and so shifted to trimming and could have continued making more but either way it was a great success and now we have something to shoot for next year!  

The best thing was seeing everyone and catching up with what they were doing. Here is  a list of participants:

Victoria Hicks,
Cynthia Bringle,
Liz Sparks and her friend Eric
Jann Welch,
Sarah House, Sarah House’s son
Robbie Bell,
David Samuel Harold,
Gary Huntoon,
Cathy Ward,
Ross Edwards,
Bridget Fox,
Lindsay Rogers,
Duffy Baum,
Claudia Dunaway
Emily Reason,
Shane Mickey,
Scot Cameron-Bell,
Lee Wolfe,
Ken Wolfe,
Teresa Pietcsh,
John Britt,
JD Carter,
John Hartom

I would like to thank EVERYONE.  It was an amazing turn out and greatly exceeded our expectations!!

Now we will bisque everything and start the glazing process. We will  let you know how things go.

Thanks a million!

Ross Edwards trimming like a mad man!


Victoria Hicks, Shane Mickey and  Emily Reason trimming.


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