Carolina ARTS Dec. 2013

If you want to know what is going on in the Carolinas regarding Art and Craft - check out this P

The December 2013 issue of Carolina Arts - all 66 pages. Here's a link to the December download - it will take several minutes to download ( Downloading the entire PDF file to your desktop is the best way to view the paper - then you can enlarge the page to any size you like. And, you will be able to check it out from time to time without having to download it again.

We're still looking for new "Likes" on our Facebook page ( It would be great tto reach 2,000 by the end of the year, but I've already asked Santa to get the Carolina Panthers into the playoffs so I'll get no help for him with Facebook.

Help us spread the paper around by re-sending this e-mail to your e-mail list or sharing our post on Facebook. 

Again, thanks for your support! Help us make this issue one that everyone sees - or at least everyone you know sees.

If you think you received this notice from a third party you can send us your e-mail address to ( and we'll add you to our main list.

Tom & Linda Starland
Carolina Arts


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