Cousin's in Clay Show

Michjae Kline Pottery, Jug, 2011

All the while I've been busy making pots for this weekend's "Cousins in Clay" pottery sale. My good friends Bruce Gholson and Samantha Henneke,of Bulldog Pottery, Seagrove, NC, will be joining me and bringing their fresh-from-the-kiln pots for our 1st annual Mountain Cousin's in Clay Pottery Show and Sale.

For directions to Kline Pottery, click here.

“Cousins in Clay” is a kinship based on shared appreciation for the pursuit of excellence within the diverse language of clay."

For further information call Kline Pottery at 828 675 4097 or visit  the web site,

Along with all the pots enjoy my father-in-law, George Lane's famous red beans and rice! There will also be plenty of refreshing beverages. So bring your friends, bring a blanket and have a picnic, and take home some beautiful pottery for the cabin!

This Friday and Saturday, August 26th and 27th from 10 til 5 inBakersville, NC. 

Come out for the day or spend the weekend in the cool mountains of North Carolina and immerse yourself in the abundance of an internationally known Penland crafts community.

Michael, Samantha, Bruce

For directions to Kline Pottery, click here.

“Cousins in Clay” is a kinship based on shared appreciation for the pursuit of excellence within the diverse language of clay."

For further information call Kline Pottery at 828 675 4097 or visit  the web site,


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