Clay Club Report

We had a great clay club once again, thanks to Emily Reason and her special guests: Linda McFarling, Michael Kline and Shane Mickey.

Everyone participated in the critiques of some brave potters who brought work. ( Courtney, Louise, Susan, Tria, Lynda, Kari, etc.) I thought is was both helpful to the participants and those who watched. Everyone chimed in with their varied opinions but it seemed everyone went away with some constructive advice.

Next meeting is April 8, 2009 and we will have to determine the topic and food choice. Perhaps this one will be back in good ole Mitchell County ...which is now soaking WET! And not from the rain.

John Britt


  1. John - Next time I come up for a workshop we need to go drinking one evening! In downtown Spruce Creek!

  2. You Mitchell County folks are acting like a college kid who just got his fake ID.
    I'm glad we tried out critiquing. Thanks for coming out and thanks for those who brought work to look at & food to eat. I've heard suggestions for how to make critiquing more effective. Anyone want to share their suggestions?
    I like the range of folks/ experience we had, but I do feel crits could be less inhibited in smaller groups. Just my opinion, anyone else?
    Maybe we could do it Bianually/ Quarterly to be more of an event with more work to look at?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree that smaller groups might work better. It would easier for those commenting to get a closer look at the work. We all wanted a close look at Susan's pot and passing it around took a while. I'm not sure how inhibited folks were. I definitely heard some helpful remarks from folks I just met that evening. Emily, did you feel unable to speak freely with so many people?

  5. hey john

    i'd really like to come to the next clay club meeting on 4/8 - if writers are allowed. i think it would help me understand more about hot potters thing, which is crucial to my work as it is. i'll keep checking this site but let me know, k?


  6. John - I think two group would allow for enough opinions to make it interesting and to include a variety of levels of experience. I a group is too small, you don't get the new eye and the experienced eye. I think both perspectives are valid.

    Oh, by the way, April 8th is the first night of Passover. I'll check back for May's date.


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