
Shino bowl

Multi-sectional Ewers

Got an amazing Workshop coming up!!! 3 firings, 50 pieces each, one wood firing. 2 gas reduction... contact Also description on my webpage

Beautiful little snake on Roan Mountain NC.

Got some new Ewers. Headed to Appalachian State University for a Glaze Talk today from 2:00- 6:00 p.m. All welcome. Free ($5 for non-club members)

I'm giving a glaze talk on Friday!! FREE ($5 non-members) Boone NC

FREE -Glaze Talk and Discussion- Appalachian State, Boone, North Carolina ($5 for Non-members)

Monster glaze workshop here at Markarts in Wichita KS. #markartsks #johnbrittpottery #johnbrittworkshopsarefun #johnbritt #johnbrittworkshop #johnbrittworkshops #glazetest #glazetests #ceramic #ceramicglazetesting #ceramicmaterials #glazeworkshops

Roan Mountain Little Buck

I should do what?????#glazetest #glazeworkshops #johnbrittpottery #johnbritt #johnbrittworkshopsarefun #johnbrittworkshops #ceramicglazetesting #ceramic #ceramicmaterials #wtf #cornellstudiosupply #cornellstudios

This glaze is called Kitchen Sink Matte and in the color run with 0.5%chrome it kinda looks like a shino in electric on a dark body. Pinholes and all. Will post the recipe later...too tired to get up and get it.